
Waco rodent trapping

Our pricing is fair, and costs significantly less than most Waco pest control companies over the long-term, because we solve your rat or mouse problem PERMANENTLY, usually within 1-2 weeks. Other companies don't solve your problem, but instead want to sign you up for quarterly poison service so that you pay forever.

Rodent control is specialty work, and every job is different. There's no one-price-fits all option. To get a free price quote over the phone for your mouse situation, call us at 254-262-3063 and describe your issue, and we can give you a phone estimate. Factors that can affect price include:

  • Size of rat or mouse infestation
  • Location of rodents (kitchen, or in attic?)
  • Number of trap setups we will need to use
  • Amount of rodent damage repairs needed
  • Size of house, extent of inspection needed
  • Potential dangerous roof or attic factors
  • Do you need mouse waste and odor cleanup?
  • Driving distance to your property

If you've got a rat infestation that you want to be taken down then you've come to the right place. Our rat killing company has been in this field for a long time now and we feel pride in how far we've come both in terms of our skills and the satisfied customers we've met over the years. Our knowledge regarding the slippery rodents has yet to fail us, partly because we're continuously trying to find new and innovative ways to take care of any case that may crop up. For that reason, our minds are as sharp as our hands and we'll happily cater to the various ways a customer may want the job done to ensure the least amount of damage to the house or business during our work. After all, we're sure the rats would have done enough damage to your food and wiring that you wouldn't want anyone to add to those bills. Our team is both hardworking and skilled and you can be assured that they will never leave a job unfinished or half-done. The equipment they use will always be up-to-date and the rats definitely won't have a chance to escape through the holes they've made as we know the importance of not letting even one stay behind lest they breed again. With that being said, we're just one call away so don't hesitate and we'll take care of your problem in no time at all.